Nakatani's method of diagnosis

When Nakatani first developed his procedure of electronic evaluation by measuring skin conductance at the points of the wrists and ankles, he created one of the most significant acupuncture diagnostic methods that have yet to be created in either contemporary or traditional acupuncture.  When one compares the findings of learned Asian Masters of Acupuncture and Pulse Diagnosis, who will literally palpate the 12 pulse positions for as long as 15-20 minutes per wrist, with the findings of Ryodoraku (Nakatani's method of diagnosis), they are most often identical or extremely close.

Ryodoraku is practiced by measuring the conductance of skin at the Source points (points on acupuncture channels that show relative energetic state of the whole chennel) with an instrument designed specifically for this purpose. In our clinic we use Rista EPD: instrument designed to combine Eastern Traditional Meridian Diagnostic System with Western electro-measurements and computer assisted analysis of the reading.