In our clinic we use Rista EPD: instrument designed to combine Eastern Traditional Meridian Diagnostic System with Western electro-measurements and computer assisted analysis of the reading.

Rista EPD provides the medical practitioner with an effective way to evaluate condition of all vital body functions and identify specific imbalances which require treatment. This is accomplished by using Nakatani's method, deriving a reliable energetic functional profile of organs and related systems. Utilizing years of experience and statistical data Rista designs optimal treatment for current diagnosis, using acupuncture points on meridians, and zones on the body, where Scenar (instrument used for a treatment) would be used to treat a specific problem or diagnosed dysfunction.

Rista measures electron deficiency or excess of each meridian with respect to an established mean and plots the profile graphically on a chart. Pathological degeneration of an organ is associated with electron deficiency, and the farther below the mean, the greater the degree of degeneration and malfunction of the organ. Inflammation and free radical damage is associated with electron excess and the farther above the mean, the greater the inflammatory process. The profiles of various organs can then be viewed in real time and with respect to each other, and an overall interpretation can be derived. When one finds an elevated or deficient meridian during Ryodoraku examination, the treatment approach is one of tonification or sedation, using specific acupuncture points known to replenish vacuity or redirect the excess of biomagnetic energy, to create balance in the meridians.


SCENAR is an acronym for self-controlled- energo- neuro- adaptive regulator. It represents a new approach, which combines orthodox Western medical practice and electronic technology with the traditional knowledge of the Far East.

It was developed for the Russian space program to overcome the unique problems of space travel. A Russian team of doctors and scientists in the late 1970s developed a method of treatment that was energy efficient, multi-applicable and portable. The treatment is done with the aid of a small electronic device (SCENAR) that has since undergone many transformations.

The SCENAR is entirely non-invasive. It is a biofeedback device involving no drugs and no surgery and is operated by placing the device directly on the skin, where it collects electromagnetic signals that are modified and sent back to the body. This biofeedback is what distinguishes it from TENS machines and other electrical therapies.

SCENAR therapy has been found to have the following benefits: Pain relief, anti-inflammatory & anti-swelling, fast rehabilitation & recovery, increase in energy, balancing homeostasis, faster and better healing of wounds, increased blood flow, regulation of hormone balance

General effects: improved sleep, improvement in digestion, increased sense of well being due to increased energy and immunity.

Device normalizes pathological signals by amplifying electrons and supplying electrons to energy deficient areas of the body in the case of degeneration or removing electrons in the cases of inflammation.

  1. Retraining atrophied tissues, muscles in particular, to contract, or nullifying and removing overactive body electrons (inflammation)
  2. Reduction in muscle spasms and alleviation of pain.

When the device is applied to acupuncture points that correspond to a particular organ, a “dosage” of electrical stimulation impulses is delivered to the body via the built-in and/or remote electrodes in direct contact with the skin surface. This stimulation of the points regulates the energy in the meridians restoring equilibrium to the whole system.

Individuals with a pacemaker or other electronic implants or who are intoxicated, pregnant, or suffering from emotional or mental conditions should not use the therapy.